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5 Tips for Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance

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Commercial refrigeration maintenance is key to keeping a well operating business. In between your service visits, there are many helpful things you can do to keep your refrigeration units operating at their best. Below are five tips for you to follow for commercial refrigeration maintenance.

Commercial Coolers

  1. Drain Pans and Tubes – Routinely check and clean the drain pans and tubes. Failing to keep your drain pans clean will lead to a buildup of sludge that can cause serious problems. Grime can get clogged in the tubing. Checking your pans and tubes every couple of months can help to prevent clogging issues.
  2. Keep it Dry – Clean up any spilled liquids right away. Too much moisture can lead to your refrigeration unit freezing up.
  3. Interior and Exterior cleaning – It is important to thoroughly clean your refrigeration unit on a weekly or biweekly schedule. You will want to remove all the items from the fridge (a shelf at a time) and scrub the shelf with a brush and soapy water or vinegar.
  4. Gaskets – The gaskets are an important part of your refrigeration unit. If the gaskets are cracked or damaged in any way, the doors may not seal properly.
  5. Condenser Coil Cleaning – Routinely clean the condenser coil of your refrigeration unit. This will help your unit to maintain a constant temperature.

We hope that these five tips will be helpful in your commercial refrigeration maintenance. By doing a few routine maintenance checks and cleanings you can save yourself from the inconvenience of larger breakdowns.