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Home > Electric > Flickering Lights, Sparking Outlets: Signs of an Electrical Emergency

Signs of electrical system failure

When you return home from a beautiful day at Salem Lake in Winston-Salem and you flip a switch only to discover flickering lights – or worse, your outlet sparks, you may dismiss it as a small problem. But, should you ignore these electrical emergency warning signs? Even seemingly small electrical issues can result in serious problems like a house fire, complete system failure, or other forms of costly damage. The team at QRC HVAC and Refrigeration has helpful information to show you how to recognize the signs of an electrical emergency, and what you should do next.  

The Anatomy of an Electrical Emergency

Some common electrical problems at home are no big deal, but others could constitute an electrical emergency. No matter what, even some small electrical issues can lead to big problems if they’re ignored. For example, a sparking electrical outlet often causes something much more dangerous like an electrical fire that could destroy your entire home. 

Flickering Lights: What Are They Trying to Tell You?

Here is what could be causing the lights inside your home to flicker, what it could mean, and what to do. 

Common causes of flickering lights in the house

  • Loose, old, or damaged wiring
  • Overloaded electrical circuits
  • A failing light fixture or a lightbulb that’s about to burn out
  • Fluctuations in voltage

When flickering lights means it’s a warning sign

  • Your lights flicker whenever you use high-energy appliances
  • The lights are flickering across multiple rooms
  • You notice persistent or worsening flickering

What to do about flickering lights

  • Start by taking some simple steps to troubleshoot your flickering lights, like replacing the bulbs or checking wall switches. 
  • If the problem doesn’t improve after taking these steps, it’s time to call an electrician for emergency electrical repair services. 

Sparking Outlets: A Red Flag You Can’t Ignore

You might ask, why is my outlet sparking? This is a serious red flag you can’t afford to ignore. We have more information about why outlets spark, what’s normal versus what isn’t normal, and what you should do. 

Noticing a brief spark whenever you plug something in is considered normal. However, outlets that frequently spark should never be ignored.

Causes of sparking outlets:

  • Loose connections
  • Overloaded electrical circuits
  • Faulty or damaged wiring
  • Short circuits due to moisture exposure
  • Old or damaged outlets
  • Improper outlet installation
  • Worn-out components

What happens if you ignore a sparking outlet:

  • Sparking outlets increase the risk of electrical fires and shocks that could destroy your home or be fatal.
  • If the sparking outlet is ignored, it may cause damage to your appliances and/or your home’s electrical system.

Immediate steps to take:

  • Safely unplug any devices plugged into the sparking outlet or outlets.
  • Turn off the power going to the electrical outlet by switching off the circuit breaker in your main electrical panel.
  • Call the professionals at QRC for inspection and repair

Other Signs of an Electrical Emergency

Here are some other important signs of electrical system failure or a serious electrical emergency.

  • Burning smells or scorched outlets: If you notice a burning smell coming from your outlet or it appears scorched, it could be due to faulty wiring, an overloaded circuit, or a malfunctioning appliance. 
  • Hot outlets and switches: Your electrical outlets and switches should not feel warm or hot to the touch. If they do, it’s a serious issue that needs attention from a trusted professional right away.
  • Frequently tripping circuit breakers: A tripped breaker protects your electrical system. However, if the circuit breaker is tripping repeatedly, it signals a more serious problem and usually indicates that the circuit is overloaded.
  • The lights dim when using appliances: If your lights dim whenever you turn on and use an appliance, it’s a sign of an overloaded circuit or insufficient electrical capacity.
  • Buzzing or humming noises: Unusual sounds like buzzing or humming coming from an outlet is a sign that a wiring or connection issue is present. 

Why Electrical Emergencies Happen

There are several reasons why you might encounter an electrical emergency, including: 

  • Old or outdated wiring: If your home has wiring that is 20 years old or older, you’re at much greater risk of an electrical emergency occurring. We recommend upgrading your electrical system to prevent dangerous emergencies. 
  • Improper DIY repairs: Some Winston-Salem area homeowners may try to make electrical repairs themselves without proper knowledge, which could result in a much more serious issue taking place, including electrical shock.
  • Overloaded circuits: Adding modern appliances to older electrical systems can put a strain on your electrical setup, leading to overloaded circuits.
  • Neglecting maintenance: Failing to get regular electrical inspections can lead to an emergency. 

What to Do During an Electrical Emergency

It’s important to know what to do during an electrical emergency and when to call an electrician for an emergency. Follow these tips to ensure you know how to handle this type of emergency. 

  • Stay calm and act fast: Stay as calm as possible if you’re dealing with an electrical emergency, unplug devices, and turn the power off to the affected area.
  • Know when to call a professional: If you notice the red flags we mentioned like burning smells or sparking outlets, it’s time to call a professional. 
  • Keep your family safe: Avoid touching damaged outlets or wires, and keep a fire extinguisher rated for electrical fires in an easily accessible area in case you need it. 

Preventing Electrical Emergencies

Here are some tips to help you prevent electrical emergencies:

  • Get your electrical system inspected annually, as regular maintenance is one of the best ways to prevent an electrical emergency.
  • Upgrade your electrical system if your home has old or faulty wiring, and have QRC determine if you need to replace and upgrade your electrical panel.
  • Avoid overloading outlets and use surge protectors for electronics.

Contact QRC Today

If you’re facing an electrical emergency, don’t go it alone. The experienced, certified electricians at QRC are here to help. Make sure you check out our Holiday Giveaway, too, where you could win a heating or cooling system valued at up to $25,000! If you need help with electrical emergencies, upgrades, or repairs, contact us today