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Home > HVAC > Preventative Maintenance on HVAC Equipment

If you want to maintain healthy HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) equipment you have to perform regular maintenance! It’s best to have a professional do a pre-season check-up before winter and summer. So now is the perfect time to give QRC a call so we can  check your HVAC system before the cold weather hits!

What does our pre-season maintenance check consist of? Keep reading and we’ll let you know!

Our Maintenance Check Includes:

      • Checking the thermostat settings. We do this to make sure that your heating and cooling system is the right temperature when you’re in the building and working more efficiently, saving energy, when no one is there.
      • Check your central air conditioner’s refrigerant level. Your system will not be efficient if it doesn’t have the proper refrigerant levels. Whether it’s too much or too little, it will affect your system.

Air Conditioning Repair and Maintenance

      • Inspect the condensate drain in the central air conditioner, furnace, and/or heat pump. A plugged drain will cause water damage in your business!

      • Tightening all the electrical connections, measure voltage and current on motors, lubricate all moving parts. We check for any faulty electrical connections that could cause their use to be unsafe and could also reduce the life of the major components of the connections. We also lubricate the moving parts to prevent friction in the motors. If there’s friction, it increases the amount of energy you use, costing you more money!

      • Clean and adjust blower components. This provides proper system airflow, if your system has airflow problems it “reduce[s] your system’s efficiency by 15 percent.”1

      • Check all gas (or oil) connections, gas pressure, burner combustion and heat exchanger. Whether you have improperly operated gas connections, which are a fire hazard, or a dirty burner or cracked heat exchanger, either can cause unsafe and improper function of equipment.

      • Clean evaporator and condenser air conditioning coils. When those coils are dirty, they cause the cooling system to run longer, which increases your energy costs.

While all of the above should be performed by a professional, you should always inspect, clean, and change your air filters once a month! Your system will require less repairs as long as you maintain it!.

Changing air filters

Don’t forget to call us soon to schedule your pre-season HVAC preventative maintenance check before that cold weather gets here! You don’t want to skip your maintenance and then have system failure during the cold winter months! Call us today!