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Home > HVAC > Why Your Building Needs an Upgrade to a High Performance Building

If you’re not familiar with the term…

High Performance Building is a building which integrates High Performance Building attributes into its systems. Also, these attributes are optimized for ultimate performance.

And when we refer to these buildings as High Performance Buildings, this doesn’t just apply to the systems of the building. But also the occupants. A High Performance Building increases your employees’ performance as well.

High Performance Building attributes include:

  • Durability
  • Energy-efficiency
  • Life-cycle performance
  • Occupant productivity
  • Functionality
  • Sustainability
  • Safety
  • Security

Essentially, a High Performance Building is one which is operating optimally without wasting energy or resources due to outdated systems or problems throughout the systems. High Performance Buildings cut your energy costs and increase the comfort and productivity of your building’s occupants.

One major factor in your building’s efficiency is the HVAC system.

Commercial buildings represent 19% of our entire nation’s energy consumption. And of that percent, HVAC systems account for 40% of that energy. By optimizing those commercial buildings’ energy usage we could see a decrease in energy usage and an increase in efficiency which will benefit our environment.

What are your first steps to transition into a High Performance Building?

Your first step is to ensure you’re scheduling regular HVAC maintenance on your commercial building’s system. When you don’t maintain the system, it is more likely to unexpectedly break down or operate at a lower efficiency because of clogging or a broken component in the system.

By performing routine service on your HVAC system, you’re ensuring it is always running optimally.

Next you should carefully choose what type of air filter you’re using in your system. The type of filter, and the filter media inside the filter, play a major role in the efficiency of your system. Your HVAC system’s efficiency depends on the airflow resistance. When the airflow resistance is higher, more energy is necessary to push through the filter.

An HVAC air filter with filter media which contains mechano-electret media is a great option because it provides less resistance.

Also, don’t delay your air filter changes! When you do, you allow debris to accumulate in your air filter, increasing the airflow resistance and creating more work for your system. Similarly to regular maintenance, you should regularly change your air filter to avoid any build up in the system.
Ultimately, a High Performance Building will save you money, be good for the environment, increase the productivity of your building’s occupants, and extend the life of your HVAC system and other building systems which contribute to its optimal performance.

Do you need help making your building a High Performance Building?
Call us today!