Mobile walk-in coolers can help maintain or grow your business in refrigerated products.
When you have a business that deals in perishables, you know just how tricky it can be transporting goods from one place to another without spoilage or other problems. Without refrigeration, some business opportunities might be lost due to logistics. If you find yourself in this category and would like to either expand your horizons or your business with the use of mobile cooling, our team here at QRC would be pleased to help you with mobile walk-in coolers.
With a mobile walk-in cooler, many small businesses are able to expand their perishable options in ways that they would otherwise be unable to. For example, bakery owners could transport and create larger items such as cakes to warm locations without worry of the structure losing integrity. Likewise, farmers markets or food trucks could have access to foods that they know are safe and cool in areas without reliable commercial refrigeration options. These are just some of the ways that mobile walk-in coolers can be of assistance to your business, but there are plenty of others!
If you already have a mobile walk-in cooler, we can help ensure that it is well-maintained so that your investment is secure. With our decades of experience, when you ask QRC to assist you with your mobile walk-in cooler, you can feel confident that the work will be done to the highest specifications. If you have a mobile walk-in cooler in the Charlotte, North Carolina area or would like assistance in procuring one, we would like to help. Contact us today!
At QRC, we offer mobile walk-in coolers to customers in Winston-Salem, Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro, Waterford, Central Heights, Southern Pines, Lewisville, Clemmons, Kernersville, High Point, Ardmore, King, and Lexington, North Carolina.